You know how on the first day or week of school in our younger years, we would have to bullet a list on a poster about yourself? Maybe Elmer's glue some poorly cut out pixelated pictures of yourself enjoying your favorite hobby or your family on vacation, and have to present it to the class? Well, all those years and now I'm actually doing it on my own. Maybe it won't ever change.
"So a little bit about myself…" I've played golf since the summer of 7th grade, going on 8 years this summer. I dedicated more of my time fooling around in high school rather than studying and golfing. I pulled myself together my senior year and I now play golf for a D1 university in South Texas and am currently heading into my junior year as a Biology/Environmental Science major this fall. I'm getting decent grades, golfing religiously and gaining as much animal/veterinary experience as I can during my summers off from school. (Does it still count as summer with an online class?) While at school I have the typical life of a college athlete. Eat, practice, class, study, shower, sleep. On repeat every day with a tournament thrown in every other week or so. Maybe a club meeting or a trip to the movies here and there. Anyway, now here I am, halfway through an undergraduate degree and moving forward.
Being a veterinarian was a childhood dream and I dropped the thought of it throughout high school, came back to it senior year, dropped it again freshman year of college, and now I'm back--staying for good! I never thought I was smart enough, and still sometimes doubt my abilities to this day. (i.e. impostor syndrome -- but as I've recently learned is fairly common) But after being able to experience the mere 300 hours I have working with veterinarians and animals, I know this is the right path for me.
I often read and browse many pre-vet and veterinary blogs when I have the chance, and figured I would give it a shot. After a heart-wrenching case last week at the S/N clinic, I decided I wanted to record my experiences so I will always be able to look back and remember why I chose this path, through the good and the bad.
Stay tuned for some of my experiences!
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